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Maine Educational Opportunity Association

An organization of professional, associate, and program members working together for equitable access to educational opportunities.

Support MEEOA

MEEOA is a non-profit 501(c)(4) association and depends on private support to conduct many of its activities. You can support MEEOA’s work in the following ways:

Become an Annual Supporter. Your logo with a link will be placed on this page for the year of your support and will be placed in our annual conference booklet.* To become a MEEOA Annual Supporter, please contact Andy Campos (

For other means of supporting MEEOA, such as becoming a Conference Sponsor, or contributing to the Conference Auction, please contact Andy Campos (

* The Conference Booklet is produced in a digital format with full color, and is provided to conference participants and workshop presenters in digital and hardcopy format. It includes complete Conference details as well as advertising pages for sponsors and supporters. Advertisements can include links to sponsor websites and email addresses. Sponsors provide their own ad copy for inclusion in the booklet.

2023-2024 MEEOA Supporters

Supporters like those listed here assure that the staff and allies of Maine TRIO Programs remain at the cutting edge in providing college access to over 6,400 first-generation adults and youth every year.

Supporting MEEOA means:

  • Maine students can participate in an annual TRIO Advocacy Day event at the Statehouse in Augusta.
  • Outstanding former Maine TRIO students have the opportunity to meet and dialogue with Maine’s Congressional delegation each year.
  • TRIO professionals have access to outstanding development opportunities and will remain at the forefront of their field.
  • The Maine TRIO Yearbook, featuring details about every program in the state, can be distributed to every State Legislator.


2023-2024 Sponsors

MEEOA is looking for supporters for 2023-2024. Sponsors will be added to this page throughout the year as more information becomes available.

Annual Conference Lead Sponsor

Gear Up Logo

Annual Conference Partnering Sponsors

Central Maine Community College Logo


University of Maine at Augusta Logo