MEEOA Board Meeting

November 3, 2000

Meeting held by conference call.

Present: Johannah Burdin, Michele Melanson, Chris Yardley, and David Megquier

Absent: Rebecca Robinson, Anne St. Pierre, and Kathryn McGloin

The meeting was called to order at 9:25 AM

David Megquier raised the question of whether a quorum existed.

The group agreed that since Kathryn McGloin had not yet attended a meeting and formally accepted the position of Secretary, she would not be counted as a board member today. Therefore, four of the Board’s six members were present. There is a quorum.

Approval of the minutes from the September 8,2000

Michele Melanson moved that the minutes of the September 8, 2000 (see attachment) be accepted. Chris Yardley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report

Chris Yardley presented the Treasurer’s Report.

The NEOA check for $1,800 reimbursing MEEOA for Policy Seminar expenses was re-deposited. ($1,300 into savings and $500 into checking)

The NEOA treasurer issued the new check in early October and the check was deposited in MEEOA’s account on October 20, 2000. The Atlantic Oakes hotel deposit was sent on September 15, 2000.

Checking Balance: $3,019.96

Savings Balance: 850.02

TOTAL $3,869.98


David Megquier moved that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted. Michele Melanson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


NEOA Report

Michele Melanson presented a written report (see attachment). David Megquier moved that the report by accepted as presented. Johannah Burdin seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


Conference Report

The executive board reviewed and discussed the written conference planning report (see attachment) submitted by Rebecca Robinson and Anne St. Pierre. David Megquier moved that the report by accepted as presented. Chris Yardley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Michele Melanson posed some questions that she would like to discuss with the Conference Co-Chairs.

Has the conference program been reviewed by representatives of all the program areas?

Will the TRIO Alumni Booklet (for 2000) and blank applications appear in the conference packet?

• What are the plans for a TRIO slide show?

• What will be in the conference packet?

• What are the plans for food?

• What are the anticipated conference expenses?



Membership Report

Johannah Burdin reported that the MEEOA membership application materials for 2001 would be mailed shortly.


Review of Proposed Constitutional Amendments

Johannah Burdin reviewed the timetable for the MEEOA membership to consider changes to the MEEOA Constitution. Johannah will bring a final draft to the next board meeting for review.

David Megquier agreed to post the most currently approved version of the MEEOA Constitution on the MEEOA website.


Charitable Status of MEEOA

Johannah Burdin reported on her search for information regarding State of Maine filing requirements. There are $150 in filing fees for the first year and $100 per year thereafter. Johannah recommends not proceeding with this. The matter was tabled until the next meeting.

Incorporation Report

Johannah Burdin reviewed the incorporation process in the State of Maine. The State contact that Johannah spoke with recommended using the services of a lawyer. The benefits of incorporation include: legal recognition in Maine, liability considerations for the organization, and the new status may help in acquiring grants. Johannah amassed a large amount of printed material that she will bring to the next meeting.


December 1, 2000 is the next scheduled meeting date. A number of alternative dates & formats were identified in an effort to reach maximum possible attendance. Dec. 5th & 11th were both workable options for the members in attendance.


Meeting adjourned at 11:30 AM.


Submitted by David Megquier