MEEOA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

March 21, 1997

Present: Judy Look, Maureen Ferriter, Johanna Burdin, Bridget Mullen, Jerry Ellis
Location: UMaine, Chadbourne Hall

Meeting called to order at 10:10 a.m.

I. Secretary's Report: Minutes from February Meeting were reviewed. It was noted that future minutes should include date and time of the next scheduled Executive Committee meeting. Judy motion to accept; Johanna second.

II. Treasurer's Report: Johanna reported that the current balance in the checking account is $500.56; Balance in savings is $3326.37. Income since last report was $440.00 (from conference fees and dividend income.) Expenses (including $75 in annual conference honoraria, $292 airfare for one alum for Policy Seminar, $80.70 in Committee travel, $560 to NCEOA for the Policy Seminar) total $1007.70. In anticipation of additional expenses for travel to Policy Seminar and eventual reimbursement of $1800.00 from NCEOA, Judy proposed, and the Committee approved, moving $1800.00 from the savings into the checking account. Judy and Johanna are working on organizing and updating Quicken. A billing issue with the hotel from the annual conference was reviewed and determined that MEEOA owed for one night for one of the presenters, and additional bill was determined to belong to someone other than a MEEOA conference-goer. Judy noted that she had received a lovely thank you letter from NCEOA for her $500.00 donation. It was determined that Johanna would contact NCEOA to make certain that they understood that the donation was from MEEOA not a personal donation from Judy. Bridget motion to accept Treasurer's Report; Maureen second.

III. Report from NEAEOPP: Judy shared the letter dated 3/13/97 from Diane Dickerson, current NEAEOPP President, which responds to MEEOA's concerns regarding the size of the NEAEOPP Board and the Liaison position. (Note: A copy of this letter is enclosed with these minutes for your information.)

IV. Old Business:
Strategic Planning: Jerry Ellis joined the meeting to help facilitate a discussion of the next steps in the strategic planning process. We began by reviewing the current and ideal state of MEEOA as outlined by the membership at the annual conference. After much discussion of expectations that members had of the process, a list of values pertaining to strategic planning were agreed upon. They are:
Membership (involvement and ownership)
Vision (goals and action plan)
Professional Development
Student Services
Who/What (defining roles)
Setting realistic limits
The Committee feels that its role in strategic planning is to foster these values and encourage the planning process to move forward. The Committee will work to communicate these values clearly in the coming year, paying particular attention to the Advocacy/Student Services/Professional Development values that were identified by the membership.

After a busy month and many phone calls, it is clear that the Committee's proposed plan of action put forth in February was overly ambitious. Concern that we were putting the planning process at risk by expecting too much of the 3 committees on short notice was considerable. The Committee definitely does not want to burn people out and feels the need to lay more groundwork for the planning process. Maureen proposed that MEEOA work on facilitating an electronic forum for dialogue around the issues that are of most importance to the membership--namely, Advocacy, Professional Development and Student Services. Bridget proposed that this be coupled with opening half of several of our regular, monthly Committee meetings for membership to attend and discuss the 3 topics. Maureen also proposed that we reconsider the structure of the Executive Committee. Perhaps we need a position that is dedicated to fostering the values noted above? There was a proposal to consider defining the role of President Elect as "keeper of the values" and create a separate position to serve as annual conference chair. The pros and cons of this were debated.

The following Action Plan was agreed upon:

Action (Value) Who does

1. Create an e-mail network.

2. Reconsider structure of the Executive Committee and propose changes to the membership.

3. Refine and articulate the goals of strategic planning to membership at the state caucus. Invite further input/editing.

4. Open half of next Committee meeting for members to participate in a discussion of 3 identified topics.


(Setting Limits, Who/What)

(Vision, Involvement)

(Advocacy, Student Services, Professional Developement)

Judy, Rick, Bridget , Jerry

Entire Committee and eventually membership

Judy and Bridget edit materials. Membership discuss at state caucus.

3 committees and Membership

State Caucus: the agenda for the caucus was discussed. It will include:
Election of State Liason
NEAEOPP Conference '99--Who/What/When/Where?
Revisit state annual conference
Overview of strategic planning process
The Committee will meet at NEAEOPP at 4 p.m. on Monday to refine the agenda as other items or issues may emerge.

1997 Budget: The proposed budget for the year is $5,275.00.

NEAEOPP Contribution--$300.00 NEAEOPP Hospitality--$50.00
NEAEOPP Ad--$75.00 NCEOA Contribution--$500.00
Committee Travel--$2,000.00 Scholarships--$300.00
NCEOA Policy Seminar--$750.00 Conference Start-up--$100.00
Public Policy Forum--$100.00 Mailings--$400.00
Supplies-$200.00 Printing--$200.00
Awards and Gifts--$100.00

Policy Seminar Update: Judy and Johanna will be going to D.C., representing MEEOA. Zoe Lane, alumnus of UMPI SSS and John Simko, alumnus of UMO UB will be our Alumni advocates. Lindy Duval did a nice job updating a pamphlet from last year that provides an overview of TRIO programs in Maine. Thank you Lindy. Judy has copies of the MEEOA constitution and the pamphlets for Maine delegation. The House and Senate will be recessed, but Judy arranged a solid schedule of meeting with the education aides. Judy raised a concern regarding rooming costs at the hotel and will plan to follow up with NCEOA about it. (It appeared that room prices were cheaper at the hotel if you were not with the NCEOA conference.)

V. New Business:
Future Policy Seminars: Judy proposed that we create a fact sheet which outlines expecations for the Policy Seminar for a reference in future years. The fact sheet would be provided to potential delegates (alumni and first-timers) when they are contacted and invited to attend. This would help delegates be better informed and hopefully be even more effective. Judy will base a draft on her experience with the Seminar this year.

E-mail: Judy offered to send a message out to the "on-line" membership about the Policy Seminar when she returns. Jerry Ellis offered to help gather e-mail addresses of Trio personnel. After this e-mail test run, Bridget will work on giving members the option of receiving minutes via e-mail. The hope is that e-mail might substantially save on copy and postage costs as well as time.

Annual MEEOA Conference: Based on positive feedback from conference goers this year, Maureen has proposed that the Committee consider locating next year's conference at the Atlantic Oaks again. She is interested in getting input from the membership regarding this and any other thoughts or ideas on the conference. You may reach her via e-mail or regular mail at the UMaine, SSS Program. (

Meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.

The next Executive Committee meeting will be:

Monday, May 12, 1997

10:00 a.m.--3:00 p.m. at UMaine, Chadbourne Hall



This Meeting will include

strategic planning breakout discussions on

Advocacy, Student Services and Professional Development

For further info, contact Judy Look, UMM METS office (