MEEOA Board Meeting Minutes 3/16/01

Attendees: Linda Ives, Sara Henry, Chris Yardley, Johannah Burdin, Michele Melanson, Kathryn McGloin

The meeting began at 10:15 AM with kudos from Michele for financial and mental support in sending she, and Linda to Policy Seminar in Washington, DC. She wishes all could attend. It was a good experience.

Policy Seminar

Leadership summit review by Linda Ives.

In the leadership summit participants brainstormed ideas for what TRIO programs can do in their states. Bruce and Sharyn Schelske of MN shared their experience with the state of MN collaboration. These folks are happy to share their skills by coming to Maine to talk with us. The TRIO Alumni Society from CA talked about their program. Linda is very excited about the idea. There was discussion about the opportunity at UM. A partnering workshop with corporations discussed ways to make these partnerships. Managing a Non-Profit Organization is the name of the book mentioned. There is a web site on partnering suggestions:

Alumni arrived on Sunday. Faith Anderson and Patrick Nash were our alums. Over 500 participants had registered for the conference from all over the country.

Mitch spoke and encouraged the states to have this same kind of seminar.

Michele explained the 3 topics identified by COE that needed to be discussed with our congressional representatives: ask for support for the Student Aid Alliance; 880 million dollars will be needed for TRIO next year; so that TRIO can 10% of eligible students, and sign the letter of support to the appropriate committee chair. . Mitch is looking for 1 out of 10 students to be served. The goal nationwide is 1.3 million students. ME is only serving 5% of those who are eligible.

Our group met with Peter Downing of Senator Snowe’s office and it went well. A team leader packet is attached to the minutes. Senator Collins knew Faith Anderson from New Sweden. Maureen Marshall is Collins’ LA for education. She didn’t say yes to a letter of support, but Michele is in contact with Maureen. Tom Allen’s office is in support, but is concerned with the budget cuts. John Baldacci is in total support and the visit was very comfortable and productive. Baldacci wants to work with TRIO and will give us 2 hours of his time to work on a plan. TRIO was mentioned in a speech Baldacci gave at Bowdoin College. The board would like to pull off a luncheon for TRIO and Baldacci. Concern is who will attend, how will we pay for it, and what is our agenda. We want and need visibility. Michele is thinking about talking to Bowdoin about their support in dining services and location for the luncheon. Sara suggests that we ask every ME TRIO director for ideas and support. FAME, Gear Up, TRIO, MES (who else?) should be included in the luncheon.


Michele opened the topic for discussion.

GOALS for our process:

The goal for this luncheon is to form a coalition of people in key roles in education to focus our educational goals, to increase finances to educational opportunity programs in Maine and to bring our higher goals into practice. We will check in the MN information for those who were included. Linda suggests a letter to TRIO directors and others who are involved with education in Maine. The letter could come from Baldacci and MEEOA.

We will ask Baldacci’s office for time during one of his breaks. Hopefully to meet at the end of May or the 7 to 11th of August. We will ask him whom he’d like to see at the luncheon and possible timing.

Expectations of board for this Luncheon:

There was a time in the 80s when we were building a coalition with the state or getting state grants. Sara will check with Jerry Ellis and Kathryn will check with Dave Megquier.

The board will meet Tuesday evening, April 3rd, after the President’s reception at the NEOA conference to firm up plans for the Caucus meeting. Michele will check with Susan, Baldacci’s scheduler, for a time to meet with Baldacci.

Kathryn will make copies of everything from the Seminar to give to members.

Department of Education Update

The power has shifted to Republican — Republican. This hasn’t happened since the 1950s. William Blakely said that they are out of practice and are learning how to create policy. He suggests we, the States, be unified. If we aren’t a cohesive group, we’re done. There will be a study on both Gear-Up and TRIO. Sara raised a concern about competition.

Acceptance of Meeting Minutes

Dec 5 and Jan 4.

Michele made the motion to accept the minutes from both meetings, Johannah seconded, and it was unanimously approved.

Feb 16

Changes discussed will be made by Sara and the corrected copy sent to Kathryn. Johannah motioned to accept the minutes with the changes indicated. It was seconded by Linda and unanimously approved.

Treasurers Report

Checking $2416.58

Savings $3677.65

Total $6094.23

Sara made the motion to approve, Johannah seconded and it was unanimously approved.

2002 MEEOAConference update

(See handouts)

Workshop ideas (see handout)

Conference chair’s report motion to accept by Michele, seconded by Johannah and unanimously accepted.

Other Agenda Items

Program pays for attendees

Kathryn will talk with Steve Visco about how to make it user friendly… either by program or alphabetically and print the directory.


Meeting adjourned at 2:05 PM