MEEOA Annual Business Meeting
Thursday, January 6, 2000

1. Call to Order

2. Member Role Call - all present are currently paid members

3. Review "Executive Board Summary of Activities" document as provided to members. A motion was made by Malcolm Coulter to accept the report of 1999 Board Activities as presented. Motion seconded by Terry Sawyer. All in favor.

4. Treasurer's Report. Chris Yardley, acting treasurer presented the details of the 1999 Treasurer's Report. A motion was made by Malcolm Coulter to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented. Motion seconded by Stephen Davis. All in favor.

5. Slate of New Officers. Since each of the executive board positions have only one candidate, the entire slate will be put forth to the membership for voting in lieu of ballotting, unless there are objections. No objections from the membership. The slate is as follows:

There was a brief discussion about the NEOA Liaison vacancy. It was suggested that, in the event that a liaison cannot be identified, the President-elect could serve in this role. This would enable the President-elect to begin to learn about NEOA, and would help the transition into the Presidency.

A motion was made by Malcolm Coulter to accept the Slate as presented. Motion seconded by Jerry Ellis. All in favor.

6. Discussion about Advocacy - what needs to be done? How is TRIO doing? What concerns or issues might be coming down the pike? Seems that things are proceeding along well enough. GEAR UP might be an issue in the future. Kathy Nadeau and Jerry Ellis (and perhaps others?) have volunteered to participate on a new advisory board for GEAR UP.

7. Professional Development discussion. The Board had set aside money this year to help fund professional development opportunities that would serve groups of Maine TRIO staff. No one submitted any requests for this money, however. Members are reminded that this money could still be accessed if a need arises. Jerry Ellis mentioned that there will be a grantwriting workshop in VT for SSS projects - can Maine projects get in on this, too? It would be helpful if the Board could find out about this, and lobby to get Maine SSS folks involved.

8. Adjournment. A motion to adjourn was made by Malcolm Coulter, and seconded by Penny Gray. All in favor.

(Submitted by Rebecca Salsbury)