MEEOA Board Meeting
May 9, 2003

*People in attendance: Sara Henry, William Ellis, Chris Yardley, Lynn Ploof-Davis, Teresa Smith, Ginny Fowles, Linda Ives

*Call to Order

*Review of minutes

March minutes:

Sara motioned to accept minutes as amended.  Linda seconded.  Passes unanimously as amended.

April (NEOA) minutes:

Sara motioned to accept minutes as amended.  Linda seconded.  Passes unanimously as amended.

*Treasure's Report

      Checking =      $1,091.35

      Savings =       $5,293.00

We are still waiting on check from NEOA for $2,100 for Policy Seminar.  Plus $300 additional dollars from COE for Ginny.

 Sara motioned to accept, Ginny seconded.  No discussion.  Passed unanimously.

*Collegiate Meeting

Update from Sara.  They met at UMaine Augusta.  This was their third meeting.  It appears that people are not committed to traveling for these meetings.  There is a core group of about six people.  Chris Hatsted has shown up regularly.  She is connected at the State House level.  The plan is to do some coalition building with some other organizations and to bring them together.

*2004 Maine State TRiO Day

March 3rd, 2004 from 8:30 - noon has been set aside for the Hall of Flags.  We decided to go with this date instead of a school vacation.

Maine TRiO Achievers booklet will be printed over the summer.  How many copies do we need?  We will start with 200 copies, printed at KVTC.

*2004 Conference

Pappert is not available.  Linda asked about the new commissioner for education in Maine.  Lynn thought that sounded like a great idea.  The slogan will be "Learning in the 21st Century."

Lynn is taking several people out to lunch to brainstorm ideas for the conference.

Still no contract with Sugarloaf, but "Joe" said we are all set.

*Pre-collegiate Meeting

No report.  The meeting was canceled.  Lynn brought up the MELMAC grant competition.  The subtleties of the program were discussed in relation to TRiO.

*NEOA Conference Follow-up

We need to present Governor Baldacci with the award he was unable to receive at the annual NEOA meeting.  Chris will email Kim.

Dory Award - Present to Dave at UB Summit on May 23rd at 10:00 AM, Palmer Lounge if he is available.  We will invite all of the TRiO people on campus.  Wge will follow up to see if Dave is available.

*Vision for Next Year

Lynn mentioned the State initiatives coming from COE and NEOA.  Relationship building with Legislators.  The UB Rally will be in November in terms of getting a lot of people together.

Aside - "People Like Us" video from PBS.  Good info on

*Next Meetings

September 19, 2003 at KVTC, 10 AM to 2 PM.