MEEOA Board Meeting

February 8, 2002




*People in attendance: Linda Ives, Teresa Smith, Sara Henry, Rusty Brown, William Ellis, Chris Yardley

* Introductions, first meeting of the year

* Sara's ideas/visions as new President

- potentially change meeting structure. Board meet every other month, with committees meeting on the off month.

- Strategic planning, use a consultant

- Archiving some information from past years. Past staff awards, TRIO achievers, officers, etc.

- Support Rusty for a good conference.

*Call to Order

*Review of minutes

Sara moves to accept minutes as amended.

Chris seconds.

Minutes passed

*Treasure's Report

checking = $13,415.94 (-8536.65) ($1,641.26 Dec.)

savings = $5,226.21 ($2,716.18 Dec.)

Raffle = $181.75

Auction $1,063

Ind. Membership $895

Program Membership $600

Reg. $6,440

Housing $3,680

Ads $390

Donations $1,250 UMaine admissions and Nellie Mae

Generated $14,503

MBNA and Wood food service

$4,849 food

$3,687.50 MBNA

$8,536.65 total

Profit = $5,741.28

Report accepted.

Sara passed around an archive example from Vermont and a President's timeline (calendar of activities) from Vermont. She would like to do the same for Maine.

Susan Collins will be speaking at Policy Seminar.

Kristi is writing a position paper for Baldacci for Governor. Looking at educational stats within the state of Maine. She is interested in any thoughts people might have.

Baldacci for governor is looking for a TRIO alum to work with him in a paid position. UMF has someone in mind. Rusty contacted someone as well.

Vote on Business meeting minutes.

Sara moves to accept the minutes as amended



NEOA is looking for state contributions for the silent auction, typically a basket. Handed off to Teresa.

National Student Leadership Conference handout.

COE is soliciting things related to re-authorization. What should we be thinking about? Sara will email everyone the web address.

Sara gave a bill of $94 to Chris regarding making the program for the January 2002 meeting. Already paid by Onward at UMaine, so Chris should pay back Onward.

Policy Seminar

Teresa will be going and taking the train. Boston to D.C. $218 round-trip. Bus from Portland to Boston = $30.

Kristi is also going as part of COE and being conference chair.

Dave Megquire is also going.

Three students have been nominated for Policy Seminar. Two females and one male.

Lynn nominated Travis (Farmington UB), went to Skidmore.

Kristi recommended Kim from the Bowdoin UB program, went to USM.

Dave nominated Nicole (UMaine TS/EOC),

How are we going to select someone?

How articulate are they?

Where are they right now?

What programs have not been represented recently?

We need someone from Upward Bound this year.

Call to see who is actually available.

Unanimous vote for Travis and Nicole. Who will contact them? Chris will contact Travis. Dave will contact Nicole.

NEOA Update

Sara handed out state report.

Handed out treasurer's report from NEOA.

Leadership Institute - NEOA has not been reimbursed by DOE for Leadership, because NEOA never invoiced them. Bob Bell wants proof that the Leadership Institute is helping TRIO professionals. The LI Advisory Board is soliciting information to support the LI. Have been getting $10,000 a year from DOE for LI. NEOA has not received the money for 2 years because no one is billing DOE. The idea also came up of writing a Training Grant. This has been written into the strategic plan for NEOA. What is the relationship between the NEOA Board and the Advisory Board of the LI?

NEOA is redoing their strategic plan.

What is the relationship between MEEOA and NEOA?

NEOA membership is dropping from 250 (1987) to 170 (now). What can NEOA do to improve this? Should membership be tied to conference registration?

Should MEEOA officers be elected at the NEOA meeting to match up with with NEOA appointments?

2002 Conference Review

Don't switch to two state conferences a year. However, the subcommittee idea sounds promising.

2003 Conference

Potential dates: 8-10th of January.

New Business

Lynn Ploof-Davis is working with Baldacci personnel to put together a town meeting/forum. In southern Maine (Payson Hall at USM), date - March 29th. Take the congressional approach instead of potential governor approach. This would include a panel of someone from the UMaine system, President of USM, Secondary school system, a TRIO alum, TRIO community (Mitch?), financial aid person.

Then Baldacci would respond.

Then open floor to the audience.

The Board voted to make Lynn in charge of an Ad-hoc Education Opportunity Forum committee.

The Board voted to make Sara in charge of an Ad-hoc Strategic Planning Committee.