MEEOA Board Meeting
Friday, February 4, 2000

Present: Johannah Burdin, Michele Melanson, Chris Yardley, David Megquier, Becky Robinson, Anne St. Pierre, Penny Gray

Minutes from January Meeting reviewed and accepted

Form for the TRIO Biographies is in the works and should be available next week. Biographies and pictures need to be into Becky Robinson by February 29th.

The May MEEOA Board Meeting conflicts with the COE Board Meeting. The MEEOA meeting was rescheduled to 5/12 10-1.
The March MEEOA meeting will be held at KVTC March 3rd, 11-2 and the April Meeting will be held in Rhode Island during the NEOA Conference, time TBA.

Treasurer's Report:

	Checking Balance:	$4,106.88
	Savings Balance:	$2,134.45
			TOTAL	$6,241.33

	Conference Cost:	$2,864.49 (Atlantic Oakes)  
				$3,128.82 Overall

Discussion of mileage reimbursement for MEEOA: Current mileage reimbursement is $.25. Board voted to continue to reimburse MEEOA members at the same rate.

Discussion of Membership Fees: Discussed benefits of Programs paying MEEOA Membership fees. Programs benefit via representation at Regional and National Meetings and assistance with program development, much the same as professional development.

Treasurer's Report Accepted

Conference Report: Evaluations from the conference are being reviewed. Overall it seems to have been successful and folks were happy with the programs. More specific information will come after all evaluations have been reviewed.

MEEOA's role with CAS Standards was discussed. The Board decided individual Programs should determine how they will use the standards and MEEOA will provide a forum for discussion/review/implementation of standards if need arises.

2001 Conference: Becky Robinson and Anne St. Pierre requested the MEEOA mailing list to send out a needs assessment to membership. The results from the assessment would be used to help plan the conference. There was some discussion of the possibly changing the timing of the conference and coordinating with program schedules. Dave reported on the history of conferences and it was decided the conference would continue to be held in January.

Discussion of liaison issue: The topic of whether the liaison position should be eliminated was discussed at some length. This was a priority because the board needed to decide whom to send to the NEOA meeting February 10-12. Dave asserted that whatever decision the board came to should be guided by what would be best for both the state and the regional boards. After much discussion, it was decided that Dave will resign his position on the finance committee and Michele will attend the February NEOA meeting as President Elect. In the future, the liaison position will be filled by the President Elect and the Past President, respectively. These positions will be filled in a cyclical manner. The President will be elected in January at the annual conference and hold office until the next January. The President Elect will be elected at the January conference and begin to attend meetings as the state liaison in May, when the new board convenes. The Past-President will assume office in January, and serve until April as the state liaison. The board decided to wait until the January 2001 conference to change the by-laws to reflect this change.

Policy Seminar: The board discussed six candidates for March's Policy Seminar:

Though all the candidates were outstanding, the board decided to prioritize them in terms of their availability and representation of TRIO participants. Dian Cooper and Rob Walker were selected as top candidates. Johannah will make certain they are both able to come, and proceed to make arrangements. If either Dian or Rob can't commit, then the remaining candidates will be contacted in this order: Jay, Tara, Rusty, Dottie.

Leadership Summit The idea of a leadership summit was discussed in terms of the funding and time available to pull it off. It is still undecided what the focus of such a summit would be, and whether it would last one or two days. At this point the board feels that a grant would be necessary to commit to such a project. For our next, meeting, board members are to come with ideas for what the summit should focus on, and names of people who may be willing to commit time to the project.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 PM.

Submitted by Penny Gray