MEEOA Board Meeting
October 31, 2003

*People in attendance: Chris Yardley, Lynn Ploof-Davis, Teresa Smith, Ginny Fowles, Linda Ives, William Ellis

*Call to Order

*Review of minutes

September minutes:

Linda motioned to accept minutes as amended.  Ginny seconded.  Passes unanimously.

*Treasure's Report

      Checking =      $1,914.80

      Savings =       $5,307.37

Ginny paid back $300 from Policy Seminar.

Linda motioned to accept, Ginny seconded.  No discussion.  Passed unanimously.

*NEOA Update

NEOA meeting in November - who is going?  Ginny and Lynn are going, but Teresa can't go due to commitments at KVCC.

NEOA Conference is in Boston, Hyatt Harborside, April 13-16, 2004.

*2004 Conference

Lynn handed out an initial conference program/brochure.  Sugarloaf has received a deposit of $1,600.

Patrick Phillips has been recommended because Susan Gendron (Commissioner of Education) will be out of state the week of the meeting.

Lynn wants to get someone from COE as part of the "No Child Left Behind" panel.

Tubing will depend on snow conditions.  We will probably have to pay for it.

Lynn would like to have a brunch speaker (motivational) on Friday morning.  Linda mentioned Charlie Desmond.  Jerry is leading a proposal at UMaine to get Charlie as a visiting professor for the spring semester.

For raffle, ski and stay package, lift tickets for the auction.

Faith is willing to do the auction.  So is Dave.

Lynn and Chris will look into UMF sponsoring a meal or reception.  And maybe Sara will talk with John about UMaine sponsoring a meal.

Everything is located at the Grand Summit.

We need some form of an introduction activity, but nothing too major.

*Slate of Officers

Nominations - Teresa will work on this with Sara Henry.

*2004 Maine State TRiO Day

March 3rd, 2004 from 8:30 - noon has been set aside for the Hall of Flags.  Ginny sent a proposal for $500 to Lynn (State Initiative Chair) for money to support the Maine State TRiO Day.  We would probably have notification by our next MEEOA Board meeting.


Lynn had the idea of having a table at the Common Ground Fair.  The Board thought this sounded like a good idea.  This would fall under Ginny's leadership.

*Next Meetings

December 5, 2003