MEEOA Board Meeting
January 8, 2004
Sugarloaf, USA
Carrabassett Valley, ME

Approximately 50 members in attendance

December minutes were presented.  Motion to accept.  Seconded.  Accepted as amended.

Teresa Smith thanked the board for their time and effort.  She also thanked the membership for their support and what had been accomplished.  Teresa then presented the board with gifts.

Teresa presented the president's report.  Then Ginny Fowles presented a report as president-elect.

Chris Yardley gave the treasurer's report.  There was a motion to accept.  Seconded.  Passed unanimously.

Johannah Burdin presented a report regarding the Pre-collegiate committee.

Sara Henry presented the report for the Collegiate committee.

Ginny discussed the Maine TRiO Day to be held at the Hall of Flags in Augusta.  She stated that the first one was a success last year, but improvements were being made for this year.  We were moving to a morning slot and food would be catered.  Ginny secured a $500 grant from NEOA to help cover the cost of this event.  (Date: March 3rd, 2004)

Policy Seminar - Ginny needs TRiO alum nominees to go to Washington, D.C.  She handed out the required nomination forms.  She also discussed nominations for the Maine State TRiO book.  Last year there were 47 individuals in the book.  These forms are due by mid-February.

Lynn Ploof-Davis is the 2005 NEOA conference chair.  She asked for ideas for a location in Maine for the conference.  Samoset was suggested along with Sunday River.  The conference is in April.

Steve Visco is overseeing the NEOA alumni and history database.  Right now it is in the planning phase.

There was some discussion about changing the date for the annual MEEOA meeting to meet more of the membership's needs.  It was suggested that the president poll the membership via email and look at other options.

Presentation of slate/election

President-elect - Faith Erhardt

      Treasurer - Sara Henry

      Secretary - Dorrea Fellman

      Conference Chairs - Johannah Burdin and Joyce Cote

      Ad Hoc - Linda Ives

Slate of officers passed.

The presidency was handed over to Ginny who gave a few remarks and then thanked Teresa for her work as president.  The meeting was adjourned.